Parent Category- INZ will select EOIs from May 2020
NZ Immigration Specialist

New financial requirements

The new financial requirements for the Parent Resident Visa can only be met through the income of the sponsor and their partner.

Here is a comparison of the previous and the new financial requirements, based on a median salary of NZD $53,040:

Sponsor Previous New (expected income thresholds)
1 sponsor for 1 parent (sponsor’s income) NZD $65,000 NZD $106,080 2 times the median salary
1 sponsor for 2 parents (sponsor’s income) NZD $65,000 NZD $159,120 3 times the median salary
Sponsor and partner  for 1 parent  (joint income) NZD $90,000 NZD $159,120 3 times the median salary
Sponsor and partner for 2 parents  (joint  income) NZD $90,000 NZD $212,160 4 times the median salary
Guaranteed lifetime income of 1 applicant or of a couple NZD $28,166 or
NZD $41,494
Not available in new parent category
Settlement funds NZD $500,000 Not available in new parent category